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2634 businesses for sale

business for sale Basketball Star Academy logo

Basketball Star Academy: Kwinana

Basketball Star Academy provides skill based basketball programs to children across Australia. We are passionate about developing the next generation of basketball players and dev...(more)

Total Investment: From $100K

Industry: Education, Coaching & Training

Business Type: New Franchise

business for sale Cricket Star Academy logo

Cricket Star Academy: Kwinana

Cricket Star Academy offers a comprehensive cricket coaching program for children, providing a skill-based learning environment with qualified coaches. We provide player pathways f...(more)

Total Investment: From $100K

Industry: Education, Coaching & Training

Business Type: New Franchise

business for sale Football Star Academy logo

Football Star Academy: Kwinana

Established in 2002, Football Star Academy provides skill based football programs to children. With over 300 locations and launching internationally in 2023, Football Star Academy...(more)

Total Investment: From $100K

Industry: Education, Coaching & Training

Business Type: New Franchise

business for sale Footy Star Academy logo

Footy Star Academy: Kwinana

Footy Star Academy offers dynamic and fun footy (AFL) training programs for children. With a strong emphasis on skill development, character building and fostering a love for the...(more)

Total Investment: From $100K

Industry: Education, Coaching & Training

Business Type: New Franchise

business for sale Soccer Time Kids logo

Soccer Time Kids: Kwinana

Soccer Time Kids provides fun, educational soccer based programs for preschoolers aged 2-5 years old. Development areas include gross motor skills, cognitive development and social...(more)

Total Investment: From $100K

Industry: Education, Coaching & Training

Business Type: New Franchise

business for sale Liv Eat logo

Liv Eat: Anketell

Liv Eat was established in 2006 by Jess, Chris and Troy, three friends passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and embracing life. Over 17 years, we've established a trusted...(more)

Total Investment: From $100K

Industry: Cafe, Food & Beverage

Business Type: New Franchise